• Follow the instructions on the stage to complete this interactive learning activity.
  • Look out for key terms marked with a ★!
  • Sometimes you will have to complete a task on the stage to continue. Pay attention!
  • At the end of the activity click Submit and Next to move on!

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import codesters import random from codesters.demo import Demo from codesters import Text # Set constants stage_height = float(stage.get_stage_height()) stage_width = float(stage.get_stage_width()) offstage_below = -1000 # Use as y value to create objects below the stage # Create Demo instance demo = Demo() # Set up stage stage.auto_cache_off() lightener = codesters.Rectangle(0, 0, stage_width, stage_height, "black") lightener.set_opacity(0.3) lightener.hide() stage.set_background_color("black") stage.disable_floor() # Create random letters/characters to drop down the stage chars = [] for counter in range(60): x = random.randint(-550, 550) binary = codesters.Text(chr(random.randint(33, 255)), x, 300, "green") binary.set_y_speed(random.randint(-3, -1)) binary.set_physics_on() binary.set_opacity(random.random()) chars.append(binary) # Moves the characters down the stage at random speeds; # when they reach the bottom, they move to a new random x-coordinate and the top of the stage def interval(): for char in chars: if char.get_y() <= -stage_height/2: char.go_to(random.randint(-550, 550), 310) char.set_y_speed(random.randint(-3, -1)) # char.set_opacity(random.randint(1,10)/10) stage.event_interval(interval, 0.05) # Create Matrix Background stage.set_background_color("black") guide = demo.create_sprite_off_screen("person20", 0, -110, 1.25) # Title Cards guide_text = codesters.Text("Welcome to Cybersecurity", 0, 200) guide_text.set_text_size(40) guide_text.set_text_background("silver", "white", 0.85) guide_text_2 = codesters.Text("Click the blue Next button to continue!", 0, 150) guide_text_2.set_text_size(20) guide_text_2.set_text_background("silver", "white", 0.85) demo.continue_action() guide_text_2.set_y(120) guide_text.set_text_width(800) guide_text.set_text("What is cybersecurity?") guide_text_2.set_text_width(800) guide_text_2.set_text("Let's break the word cybersecurity down into its two parts:") stage.wait(1) demo.continue_action() # Create the two word parts, directly overlain on the existing word cyber_x, security_x, y = -8.5, 100, 200 opacity = 0 cyber_text = codesters.Text("cyber", -8.5, 200, "orange") cyber_text.set_text_size(40) cyber_text.set_text_background("silver", "silver", opacity) security_text = codesters.Text("security", 110, 200, "aqua") security_text.set_text_size(40) security_text.set_text_background("silver", "silver", opacity) stage.wait(1) # Move the word parts down and out while darkening the background for counter in range(75): # delta_x for each is 391.5 290 opacity += .011 cyber_x -= 5.22 security_x += 4 y -= 2 cyber_text.set_text_background("silver", "white", opacity) security_text.set_text_background("silver", "white", opacity) cyber_text.go_to(cyber_x, y) security_text.go_to(security_x, y) guide_text_2.set_text("Click each part to see its definition!") lock_click, computer_click = False, False def stage_blank(): """ Removes all sprites from the stage except specified sprites to keep Stops the interval event, then hides specified sprites """ demo.remove_all_sprites_except(keep_stage_elements+ chars) stage.event_interval(None) for index, item in enumerate(keep_stage_elements): if index == 7 or index == 8: continue else: item.hide() for char in chars: char.hide() def stage_reset(): """ Sets the stage to its appearance before the stage_blank() function ran. Shows sprites and resets the interval event. Checks for if certain objects were clicked to show more elements and unpause the demo """ global computer_click, lock_click guide_text.set_text("What is cybersecurity?") stage.set_background_color("black") for index, item in enumerate(keep_stage_elements): if index == 7 or index == 8 or index == 2 or index == 5: continue else: for char in chars: stage.event_interval(interval, .05) if computer_click: cyber_def.set_color("orange") if lock_click: security_def.set_color("aqua") def cyber_click(sprite): """ Runs when the user clicks on the cyber word to illustrate the definition """ global computer_click computer_click = True stage_blank() guide_text.set_text("CYBER:") guide_text_2.set_text("involving computers or networks") stage.set_background("e2f02b00a2474375b133e2b4a3d7d6f3") # stage.set_background("") stage.set_background_scale(.85) stage.set_background_x(-545) stage.set_background_y(400) # comp_back = codesters.Rectangle(0, -100, 230, 200, "white") # computer = demo.create_sprite_off_screen("computer_30a", 0, -100, 1) # computer.set_say_position(-30, 45, "absolute") stage.wait(2) click_text = codesters.Text("Click me!", 5, -150, "white") click_text.set_text_size(30) click_text.set_text_background("black", "black", 1) # computer.say("Click me!", 0, "white", 30) click_text.event_click(ready_click) def security_click(sprite): """ Runs when the user clicks on the security word to illustrate the definition """ global lock_click lock_click = True stage_blank() guide_text.set_text("SECURITY:") guide_text_2.set_text("Having to do with being secure or safe") stage.set_background("42b83f26eed841ae82f372a549d64dbe") lock = demo.create_sprite_off_screen("open_lock_ff4", 0, -100, 2.5) lock_2 = demo.create_sprite_off_screen("closed_lock_0c7", 0, -100, 2.5) lock_2.hide() stage.wait(1) lock.hide() lock_2.set_say_position(0, -75, "absolute") stage.wait(2) lock_2.say("Click me!", 0, "darkslategrey", 30) lock_2.event_click(ready_click) def ready_click(sprite): """ Checks if all clicks have happened and unpauses the demo """ global computer_click, lock_click sprite.event_click(None) stage.remove_sprite(sprite) stage_reset() if computer_click and lock_click: demo.continue_action() demo.unpause() cyber_overlay = codesters.Rectangle(-400, 50, 118, 70, "orange") cyber_overlay.set_opacity(0.01) security_overlay = codesters.Rectangle(400, 50, 118, 70, "teal") security_overlay.set_opacity(0.01) cyber_overlay.event_click(cyber_click) security_overlay.event_click(security_click) cyber_def = codesters.Text("having to do with\ncomputers and networks", -400, 0, None) security_def = codesters.Text("having to do with\nbeing secure or safe", 400, 0, None) keep_stage_elements = [security_text, security_overlay, security_def, cyber_text, cyber_overlay, cyber_def, guide, guide_text, guide_text_2, lightener] demo.pause() demo.remove_all_sprites_except([guide, guide_text, guide_text_2] + chars) guide_text_2.hide() guide_text.set_text_size(20) guide_text.set_text("When learning cybersecurity, we will be talking about two big ideas!\n\n\n\n") stage.wait(3) comp_back = codesters.Ellipse(-300, -100, 300, 240, "burlywood") computer = demo.create_sprite_off_screen("computer_30a", -300, -100, 1) guide_text.set_text("When learning cybersecurity, we will be talking about two big ideas!\n\n1) Computers\n\n") stage.wait(2.5) guide_text.set_text("When learning cybersecurity, we will be talking about two big ideas!\n\n1) Computers\n\n2) Security") lock = demo.create_sprite_off_screen("closed_lock_0c7", 300, -100, 2.05) stage.wait(2) guide_text_2.set_text("Click the blue Next button to continue!") stage.wait(1) demo.continue_action() guide_text_2.hide() guide_text.set_text("Cybersecurity is all about building secure computer systems that we can trust!\n\n") stage.wait(1) text = u"★" + " Cybersecurity is all about building secure computer systems that we can trust! " text_sprite = demo.animate_typing_text(text, 0, 100, align="center", font_size=25, color = "white", cursor_wait = False) guide_text.hide() text_sprite.move_up(150) stage.wait(2) demo.continue_action() guide_text.set_text("What is a system? What does it mean to be secure?") stage.wait(1) guide_text_2.set_text("Click Submit and Continue to begin the next activity and find out!") old_guide = guide guide = demo.create_sprite_off_screen("person20", 0, -110, 1.25) old_guide.hide() guide.move_forward(stage_width/2+75) sprite_list = demo.remind_student_to_submit(guide_text_2.get_x() - 175, guide_text_2.get_y() - 60, 25) for sprite in sprite_list: if sprite.get_name() == 'line' or sprite.get_name() == 'arrowLine': sprite.set_color("white") elif sprite.get_text() != None: sprite.set_color("white") tester = TestManager() tester.display_success_message("Great job!") stage.wait(10) stage.event_interval(None)
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