STEP 13: Before we make the top block, we need to make sure there's a gap between the top and bottom blocks.

  • Go to the LOGIC tab and the toolkit. Drag Addition onto the next line in make_blocks().
  • Change my_var to y2. Replace the 2 with y1 and replace 3 with 150. (150 is half the bottom block's height)
  • y1 plus 150 gets us to the top of the bottom block. Then, add + block_gap + 150 to the equation.

By adding block_gap and half of the top block's height, we calculate y2 which is the y-position of the top block.

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# Program variables (DON'T DELETE!!!) block_speed = -6 # controls how fast the pipes move across the stage block_gap = 200 # controls the space between the top and bottom of each pipe block_interval = 1 # controls how often a new pipe appears gravity = 8 # controls how fast the sprite falls flappiness = 5 # controls how much the sprite moves up # Store and display score score = 0 score_text = codesters.Text("Score: " + str(score), 100, 200, "yellow") ######################################################################## # ADD CODE BELOW THIS LINE # ######################################################################## stage.set_background("space") stage.disable_all_walls() sprite = codesters.Sprite("dinosaur") sprite.set_size(0.4) sprite.set_say_color("yellow") sprite.say("TAP THE SPACE BAR TO GUIDE ME THROUGH THE BLOCKS!", 3) sprite.go_to(-200, 0) stage.set_gravity(gravity) def space_bar(): sprite.jump(flappiness) stage.event_key("space", space_bar) def interval(): global score score += 1 score_text.set_text("Score: " + str(score)) make_blocks() stage.event_interval(interval, block_interval) def make_blocks(): pass # delete after adding indented code y1 = random.randint(-250, -100) # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") sprite = codesters.Rectangle(250, y1, 100, 300, "red") sprite.set_gravity_off() sprite.set_x_speed(block_speed)
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