#Name: Machi Dima #disable the edges of field of app stage.disable_all_walls() #backgroung color:black stage.set_background_color("black") #Set up safe zones as rectangle objects def setup_safe_zones(): #for loop that repeats rectangle objects for x in range(5): safe_zone = codesters.Rectangle(-240 + (x * 100), 0, 20, 500, "grey") safe_zone = codesters.Rectangle(240, 0, 20, 500, "gold") setup_safe_zones() ############################################################################### #Create variables for player, trains, boolean still_playing,display, and score trains = [] player = codesters.Circle(-240, 0, 18, "red") still_playing = True display = codesters.Text(" ", 0,0, "red") score = 0 scoreDisplay = codesters.Text("Score: 0", 9, 220, "gold") #Monte provided a coin and x_sprite images from url coin = "http://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/Coin1.png" x_sprite = "http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100127205260/conearth/images/4/43/Red_X_alt.png" #output you will get when the UP arrow is pressed def up_key(): player.move_up(20) stage.event_key("up", up_key) #function that handles when DOWN arrow is pressed def down_key(): player.move_down(20) stage.event_key("down", down_key) #function that handles when RIGHT arrow is pressed def right_key(): player.move_right(20) stage.event_key("right", right_key) #function that handles when LEFT arrow is pressed def left_key(): player.move_left(20) stage.event_key("left", left_key) #collision between coin and the train def player_collision(sprite, hit_sprite): #global variable accesed by all boolean still_playing and int score global still_playing, score if hit_sprite.get_image_name("http://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/Coin1.png"): score += 1 scoreDisplay.set_text("Score {}".format(score)) stage.remove_sprite(hit_sprite) #else if the object hit is white color than boolean value still_playing to false, GAME OVER! elif hit_sprite.get_color() == "white": splat = codesters.Sprite(x_sprite, player.get_x(), player.get_y()) splat.set_size(0.5) still_playing = False stage.remove_sprite(player) display.set_text("OOPS!! PLAY AGAIN!") elif hit_sprite.get_color() == "gold": still_playing = False display.set_text("CONGRATULATION! YOU DID IT!!!") player.event_collision(player_collision) #function that pulls the objects def create_train(x, y, direction): #instentiate the train array train = [] #define the train speed to random 1-5 trainSpeed = random.randint(1,5) #for loop that randomly appends train objects to train array for i in range(random.randint(1,5)): #creates rectangle objects and assigns them to trainCar trainCar = codesters.Rectangle(x, y -(60*i*direction), 15, 50, "white") #sets the random speed to the trainCar object trainCar.speed = direction * trainSpeed #Sets y speed trainCar.set_y_speed(trainCar.speed) #join(append) trainCar to array train train.append(trainCar) #attach train to array trains trains.append(train) #initializes trains objects def init_trains(): #for loop that calls create_train funstion by giving random direction for x in range(1,24): #nested condition to check is whether the value doesn't equal 0 if x % 5 is not 0: #random way to go either UP or DOWN direction = random.choice([-1,1]) #call create_train function create_train(-240 + (x * 20), direction * -300, direction) #Reseting the train def reset_train(train, lastCar, direction): # create x and y variables x = lastCar.get_x() y = -300 * direction #for loop that checks if train object is out of stage for trainCar in train: #remove train sprite off the stage stage.remove_sprite(trainCar) #Remove train object from train array trains.remove(train) #create another train object create_train(x,y, direction) #handels the coins creation def init_coins(): #for loop that creates random 10 to 20 coins for x in range(random.randint(10,20)): sprite = codesters.Sprite(coin, -220 + (random.randint(0,23) * 20), -220 + (random.randint(0, 23) * 20)) sprite.set_size(0.7) #main function def main(): #Starting the coins and trains by calling each function init_coins() init_trains() #While loop that checks boolean value of still_playing while still_playing: #for loop that goes through every train object on trains array for train in trains: #get last object of array lastTrainCar = train[len(train)-1] #get the direction direction = lastTrainCar.speed / abs(lastTrainCar.speed) #if direction 1(up) and is out of stage if direction is 1 and lastTrainCar.get_y() > 300: #call reset_train function with parameters tran array last object and direction reset_train(train, lastTrainCar, direction) #if direction 1(up) and is out of stage elif direction is -1 and lastTrainCar.get_y() < -300: #call reset_train function with parameters tran array last object and direction reset_train(train, lastTrainCar, direction) #wait 1 sec to display a new trains stage.wait(1) #if function that calls main function if __name__ is "__main__": main()
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